At Princes, we strive to provide children with magical experiences which help support their learning and development, as well as providing them with opportunities that the children would not be able to access in the community. As providers of education, we should not make children adapt to how we teach, but rather us adapt to the way they need to be taught. Engaging children in memorable experiences, cultural celebrations and themed weeks, provides the children with an education they will never forget in an exciting and practical way. We aim to remove the barriers to learning and adapt these experiences, so they are as inclusive and accessible as possible for all children, no matter their disability. We want children to celebrate the vast cultures and religions around us, and involve and engage parents and the community as much as possible. Establishing community links and sharing these experiences with our families, partner schools and local community allows us to bring everybody together to enjoy these moments.

We work hard on extending the curriculum beyond the academics and provide various therapies, sporting activities, outdoor learning and life skills to help shape the children’s future and support the whole-child. We promote the pupils spiritual, moral, social and cultural development as well as promoting the teaching of  British Values. We support children to develop and explore values of themselves and others, helping children recognise right and wrong and tolerating others. We also support our children to understand how different communities function and live, understand our own and others preferences, celebrate different cultures and religions. We also provide memorable educational visits, whole school celebrations as well as choice making and having our own personal views accepted and acknowledged.

At Princes, we continue to work hard on developing children to have their own voice and enable them to make future decisions. We work hard on supporting children’s independence and life skills, assisting them to become happy, confident and healthy learners. We aim to develop life skills to enable them to be as independent as possible in the future. We encourage pupils to make their own choices, support their emotional regulation as well as helping them develop their confidence and self-assurance. We celebrate the children’s small steps of achievement and progress, and work alongside the children personalising approaches which best support the individuals learning journey.