
Transport for your child is provided free of charge by the Local Authority. If you have any problems, queries, or need to make alternative arrangements, please contact Transport Section direct on 233-6511 or 233-6513.

Personal Information

Please ensure that we have the most up to date information regarding emergency contacts and medical details for your child. A personal information form can be obtained from the school office. If there have been any changes to your circumstances please complete this form and return it to school.

Hydrotherapy/swim sessions

These sessions are available to all pupils. However, we require a consent form signed by parents before your child can use the pool. Children in nappies MUST wear swim pants – these can be purchased from the school office. Your child’s class teacher will advise you when these sessions begin for your child.


Princes uses the Class Dojo app, available for download on both Android and Apple Devices. There is also a website you can log in to view on a web browser. The app allows us communication between you and your child’s teacher. Teachers and school leaders also use the app to showcase school events and any special work that the children have done. If you would not like to use Dojo, as it does require photographic permission, school will be happy to provide a link book for any communication between you and your child’s teacher. As always, absences or any urgent information should be reported to the school office on 01517092602.

Telephone Calls

Please contact school by telephone to speak to your child’s teacher only in the case of an emergency or before 9.15am and after 3.15pm, as interruptions during teaching time cause disruption to the class. We will always contact you if we feel your child is unwell or we have any situation we feel you need to be notified of. We have a medical room and a nurse is available during school hours to give advice.

School Meals and School Milk

The current cost of school meals is £1.80 per day (£9.00 per week).  Dinner money should be sent into school on Monday morning in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.  You also have the option of setting up a weekly direct debit and pay directly to the school – please speak to the Admin Team if you would like to arrange this.

If you feel that your child may be entitled to free school meals and milk you can obtain the relevant forms from your nearest One Stop Shop.  Please note that this benefit cannot be backdated so please continue to pay for your child’s meals until confirmation, and your child’s reference number, has been received from the Local Authority.

Other Monies

Any money should be sent into school in an envelope with your child’s name, class and the purpose for which it is intended clearly marked on it (i.e. day trip etc).

Medical Issues

School has nursing staff on site throughout the day and if there are any medical concerns regarding your child, the nursing staff will contract you direct.


If you have any other queries, or we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact the school office at any time.


For information about Clothing Grants and Free School Meal Eligibility, please read the following:

Clothing & Free School Meals