Pre-Formal +
- To support learners to develop communication strategies which develop functional interactions and social relationships.
- To enable learners to begin to develop independence to live safe, healthy and happy lives, promoting co-regulation.
- To enable learners to be valued members of their widening community, interacting and building positive relationships with others.
Focus for Learning
- Reciprocal interactions with key people and sustained attention with a breadth of familiar activities
- Familiarity with a range of environments and routines eg now/next, transitions with more symbolic understanding
- Introduction and exposure to simple concepts across the 7 areas of learning including basic maths and literacy skills.
- Readiness for learning – emotional regulation, sensory regulation, routines, relationships (adults and peers).
Curriculum Areas
- Communication and Attention
- Physical Development including swimming
- Play
- British Values and SMSC
- RE
- Emerging English
- Emerging Mathematics
- Experience based learning (covering Expressive Arts and Design and Understanding the World and MFL – KS2 only
- Engagement Model
For more information, please see our Intent and Overview Documents in our Curriculum Overview page.