- To be successful learners who enjoy and contribute to their own learning and make progress and achieve.
- To develop confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
- To develop responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.
Focus for Learning
- Connecting and responding to key people and familiar activities – e.g. Attention Autism, SCERTS, Intensive Interaction, building relationships.
- Interacting with the environment and world around them – routine, objects of reference, transitions, classroom environment, educational visits, recognizing their impact on the environment e.g. cause and effect.
- Readiness for learning – emotional regulation, sensory regulation, routines, relationships (adults and peers).
- Experiential learning.
Curriculum Areas
- Communication and Attention
- Physical Development including swimming
- Mathematics – functional life skills
- English – functional life skills
- Play
- British Values and SMSC
- RE
- Experience based learning (covering science, computing, art, music, design technology, geography, history, MFL- KS2 only)
For more information, please see our Intent and Overview Documents in our Curriculum Overview page.